Food for a Happy Mind
We are what we eat.
Food that we eat plays a very important role in deciding ‘What we are and how we think!’
We are made of millions and millions of cells which constitute our body, these cells carry oxygen and nutrition to the whole body. These cells also carry energy, which is regulated by the food we eat and the lifestyle we live in.

The food we eat is divided into 3 types as per the effects they have in the body:-
Satvic Foods- Food which are freshly made with less spices and oils. The method of cooking is usually Steam cooked or Boiled or Sauted. All forms of raw foods like fresh fruits, freshly cut salads and fresh juices, also come under Satvic foods. Properties- such foods give high energy to the body are easy to digest, do not lead to accumulation of wastes and toxins, Hence making them easy to eliminate from the body using very less Metabolic Energy Effects on the mood- Makes one happy and peaceful Effects on mind- food that keeps you in a happy mood hence leads you to have a stress free mind. Â
Rajasic Foods – foods which are very spicy and oily, usually overcooked come under Rajasic foods, including fried foods and pickles. These foods loose the nutritional value because of over heating and use of too much Salt. Properties- By eating this kind of food we feel very drained of energy. It is difficult to digest such foods and we accumulate a lot of toxins. Effect on the Mood- we are very restless, aggressive and angry Effect on Mind- Person is always worried, unable to handle stressful situations. People who consume Rajasic food are prone to Heart problems, headaches, Acidity and Gastric Issues.
Tamasic Foods– These are foods which are stale, stored for a long time. All packaged foods come under this category like biscuits, corn flakes, namkeens, breads, bakery items, etc. these foods have lost their Nutritional value because of Storage and have a high content of Preservatives.
Properties- these foods have low energy because of no nutritional value and no Fibre leading to maximum accumulation of toxins and almost impossible to eliminate it from the body, clogging all the pores of the skin too.
Effects on the Mood- Keeps a person very low in energy and lethargic. Person has no motivation to do any activities or learning new skills or making friends. Person becomes a loner
Effects on the Mind- no will to do anything new, highly indecisive, Depressive phase of mind, depends on others to take decisions Such people are prone to Disorders like Obesity, Depression, Hormonal issues, Constipation.
Ideal Form of Eating- The best way to keep your body healthy and full of Nutrition is to consume Satvic Diet.
The lesser the toxin ---- better the energy ----balanced mind ----- happy person ----- healthy body, mind and soul. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
To Make Your Healthy Diet to Keep a Happy Mind Make Your Customised Naturopathy Diet Plan Today.
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