Back pain has become a common problem due to sedentary lifestyle and wrong eating habits. Back pain is basically caused by weakening of the back muscles, muscle strain, pressure, spasm or degeneration of the spinal cord. Incorporating yoga into your daily routine can significantly alleviate this problem. These yoga poses, as featured in the Prabhat Khabar article written by me, Dr. Anjali Sharma, can strengthen your back muscles and improve flexibility.

Eka Pada Pawanmuktasana(Single Leg Wind-Relieving Pose)
Lie on your back. Breathe in and lift your right leg up. Bend your knee and bring it to your chest and hold it with both hands. Exhale slowly and raise your neck and touch your forehead to your knee. Let the pressure of your arms and thighs fall on your stomach. Make sure that there is no pain. Breathe in and lie back down. Now do the same process with the other leg. Do the entire asana twice.

Marjari Asana (Cat Pose)
Sit on the ground in a cat-like posture on your knees and both hands. Take a deep breath and stretch your back upwards like a cat. Wait for a few seconds. Then exhale and bring your back down. You can do this process 5-10 times.

Setubandha asana (Bridge Pose)
Lie down on your back. Keep your hands straight along the body. Bend your knees and bring your feet close to your hips. Raise your hips and body above the floor until you form a dam shape. If you want, support your hips with your hands, but keep your elbows on the floor. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then come back to the first position.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Lie down straight on your stomach. Place the palms of both hands on the floor below your shoulders. Keep a little distance between your legs and keep them stretched. Apply pressure on your palms and keep your elbows glued to your body. Take a deep breath and slowly lift your head, neck, shoulders and back up while stretching them. Make sure that your hands are not completely straight. Look towards the sky in this position, stay for 8-10 seconds and keep breathing normally.

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
Stand up straight with a distance of one foot between your feet. Take a deep breath and raise both your hands straight up. Exhale slowly and bend forward by bending the body from the waist. Try to touch the feet with the hands. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Come back slowly. Repeat the asana 3-4 times.
If you’re looking for more natural health tips and remedies, explore more on Shudhhi Naturopathy.