Body is a Machine
Our body is a machine which is integrating the functions between all the organs, connected with each other through the blood vessels, which are the source of fueling all of organs and an intensive mesh of Nerves which provide the electrical system so each cell knows how to function. For healthy functioning of each part of our body, every function has to work in sync and without any blockages.
The body is working day and night, round the clock there is no time that it takes a break or halts. Even while we sleep our body is working towards repairing and rejuvenating the body cells. That’s why we need to give our body foods which are rich in nutrition, energy particles and antioxidants.

All functions run all the time
The body functions are – nervous system, digestive system, circulation, heart functions, respiratory function, the hormonal system, immune system, muscular system, reproductory system and urinary functions.
All these functions are connected to each other and help each other in their normal functioning. Disturbance in any function troubles the other functions too, that’s why its important for all the functions to be healthy.
Metabolic Energy
It is the energy which is spent on digestion, extracting of nutrients from the food, transporting it to all the organs and tissues of the body. To keep this energy optimized and used correctly it is important to monitor what we eat. Foods difficult to digest take away all the metabolic energy, leaving us tired and sluggish. If we eat foods easy to digest and with more of energy, we will be fresh and energetic, also the body’s nutritional levels will be high.
The kind of food we eat decides how we will be the whole day and in future. So it is good to THINK NOW.
Importance of Elimination
As the process of Metabolism is complete the next process is to eliminate the material that could not be digested and used in the body. Elimination is not only done by the intestines as we all think, but elimination also happens from the lungs by the air we breath out, from the urine and one of the most important eliminative organ is the Skin. The Skin covers the highest surface area of the body, approx. 15-20 sq feet area. The pores present on the skin eliminate in the form of sweat which is visible and perspiration which is not visible. It is important that no toxins are accumulated in any of these eliminative organs, so that nothing is clogged. If this happens smoothly then the body can function smoothly without pressure on the body functions.
Naturopathy way of Elimination/detoxing
In Naturopathy we give importance to the process of elimination so that no toxins are accumulated in the body which could harm the body organs and tissues. The process of elimination is enhanced by reducing the body’s metabolic energy so that all the energy is diverted towards elimination only.
That method is by Fasting – we intake only very easy to digest foods, which do not use too much metabolic energy and are also in rich in fibre and other elimination enhancing ingredients. We also combine it with some Naturopathy treatments and Yogic elimination processes or Kriyas.
We at Shuddhi Naturopathy have curated a Fasting Detox Plan to fulfil the body’s elimination requirement in a healthy and Scientific way.
Consult our Qualified Naturopathy physician today to make your plan too.